Sun-dried tomato meatloaf and fingerling potato salad

sun-dried tomato turkey meat loaf and a fingerling potato salad

Up again for tonight, 2 cooking light recipes. I dont think I should post them because I didnt follow them for the most part. Mrs. Client requested my turkey meatloaf again. I made it last Friday and she called me that morning asking me to make her one. I told her that I was cooking one for our dinner and the recipe made two loaves so Id give her one. I still cant get used to these damn metric measurements here, so I miscalculated the amount of ground turkey I bought. So, I ended up just giving her two small free form loaves and she loved them. ( I didnt charge her for them either). Yesterday, she asked me to make her more of this, plus the curried couscous salad and a quinoa salad( no pics of those as they are total repeaters.). The turkey meatloaf is really good. I used 3lbs( I think)of ground turkey. 2 lbs of dark, and 1lb of breast. 2 eggs, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, salt, pepper, red onion, carrot, basil, sun dried tomatoes and porcini mushrooms( dried). Plus a few dashes of a spice blend from Penzeys. Client cant have garlic so luckily I bought an herb mix that didnt have garlic. I put all the ingredients except turkey and eggs in cuisinart I free formed the loaves and baked for about 35 min at 350. I put a fig and balsamic glaze( for those in canada, its PC memories of Tuscany) on and back into the oven for about 5min.
Mrs. Client is a real foodie. She has an amazing garden and over the summer, she has gifted me with lots of goodies. Today, she had leeks, cucumbers, carrots, and chard and fingerling potatoes waiting for me. I decided to make a warm salad with them. I loosly followed a recipe from CL for german potato salad. That recipe used reds instead. I cut the recipe down to only serve myself and Robin. Robin loved them and she even said she liked them better than mashed. I used bacon, green onions, green pepper,pepper, a touch of salt, cider vinegar and splenda( subbed for sugar). Oh, I also added some grainy mustard. We had an ACE bakery Artisan roll( bun for those in canada) with the dinner. Yummy.
Tomorrow is a seafood curry and I'm going to attempt to modify a cheesecake from small batch baking. I bought two cute heart shaped mini spring form pans at TJ Maxx.
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