small batch baking...

dulce de leche small batch cheesecake

small batch pb oatmeal cookies

I decided to make a mini cheesecake on Thursday. I checked the small batch baking book, but decided to make up my own, using that as a guideline. I have some really wonderful dulce de leche I got at Zingerman's. I used 2tbls of that, some splenda and grahm crumbs plus 5 oz of cream cheese, 1 egg, 1tbl of flour. I used NO sugar in the actual cheesecake. For those doing WW, it was 11 points each. We ate half as a serving.
This morning I made the cookies. These are a variation on the oatmeal cookies. I got 9 cookies out of the batch, the recipe says 6-8. They smell fabulous, I hope they test as good as they smell. I was careful this time and I spooned out the flour, instead of the dip and sweep method.
The cheesecake looks great! Did you miss the sugar?
8:40 AM, September 25, 2005
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