A stolen salad............

granny smith, celery, lemon dijon dressing

I was reading Alice's blog the other day and I saw this salad and it sounded really good so I decided to make it for my clients today( saving some for us too). Anyway, I went to the market as I do practically everyday and saw celery hearts on sale. Imagine my surprise when I came home and re-read the recipe and saw that I needed celery leaves. Oh well, It was still wonderful. I really liked it and so did my fruit hating wife. I hope the clients liked it.
I also made saigon balls( an asian meatball with pork) homeade peanut sauce and rice. Once again, I forgot to take pics before we ate it. I had some of this salad earlier in the day thus the reason why I only have a picture of this.
Yay...glad to have inspired you! :) I actually didn't have enough celery leaves either...so I just added some romaine lettuce...still very good. I really thought the apples and toasted walnuts were the highlights...that and the dressing. The celery was good, too, but I don't think the leaves were too sorely missed.
8:13 AM, December 07, 2005
Gread minds think alike! I made it too! With a MUCH lightened dressing ... BTW when I made it the first time I did have enough celery leaves and they were delightful, somehow really added to the 'unusual from the ordinary' sensation. Mine is posted here.
9:56 AM, December 13, 2005
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