Happy Birthday to me

green curry, pad thai

boston cream pie

boston cream pie 2

Today and I turned 39 and wow, even typing the numbers out was hard. I dont look 39 and most days I dont feel 39. Anyway, I was supposed to meet Robin in London tonight for dinner, but that didnt work out due to Mother Nature. We had a terrible storm AND our neice was dropped off here last night because she had no school today and she woke up with a terrible sore throat. I spent the day taking care of her and that culminated with a trip to the doctor and pharmacy. She officially has strep. I hope and pray I dont get it because I'm off to Florida on Dec 13th.
So, with Robin in London, I had to make dinner. I asked a friend over to sit with Chels while I fought blizzard conditions up to the store. I ended up making a thai green curry that I used no recipe for and some pad thai. I used the pad thai recipe from CooksIllustrated. I had tamarind pulp and fish sauce. I didnt have any dried shrimp or preserved radish. Also, dont know if you're away, but the entire crop of Bean sprouts in Ontario has been destroyed due to salmonella. So, no beansprouts. It was good, but it was definatly lacking. It didnt have that familar red color either.
I made Gale Gand's recipe for Boston Cream pie today. I even assembled the cake in the pie plate. The flavor was good, I liked the pastry cream, it was nice and tight. The ganach was just so so, I think it came out a tad thin. I didnt have any semi sweet chocolate so I just used chips. The entire recipe uses 8 eggs, 6 yolks and 2 whole eggs. Looks like we might be having egg white omlets for breakfast tomorrow. I got the recipe from FOODTV if you're interested.
I love pad thai, but I have never had it with green curry. I have always had it with a red curry, what is the flavor difference?
10:06 PM, December 02, 2005
Happy Birthday Randi, I hope you stay healthy and well so that you can enjoy your trip to Florida!
8:35 AM, December 03, 2005
Hi, Randi--happy birthday! That pie looks really good. I like to watch her show, but I've never tried any of her stuff--glad to hear it's good!
9:05 AM, December 03, 2005
Happy Birthday Randi!!
That pie looks SO good!
3:46 PM, December 04, 2005
Well, wife-less, sick-kid-watching, and ingredient-lacking...I do hope you had a good birthday!
I find Gale Gand's recipes are right on the mark...95% of the time. But every once in a while, I get one that just doesn't work for me.
Again, happy birthday, and I hope you stay well for your trip!
10:35 AM, December 05, 2005
That is my mothers favorite dessert, (well after Flan I guess) and its a tricky one to master. I really have never found a recipe I like...I may try this one with some tweaks...
OH and happy belated birthday!
2:52 PM, December 16, 2005
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