Monday, August 28, 2006

Zesty Bean salad( cooking light).....

I've been such a bad foodblogger. I even missed this months sugar high friday and I'm so upset about it because I love to can. Last week was really busy for both Robin and I. The only day that I cooked was on Wednesday and that was for our community kitchen. We also went to Windsor, Ontario this weekend for a family wedding.

Now, back to the food. Last month was so hot that we decided to have a picnic for our August kitchen meeting. This bean salad was a very popular dish. Canned beans, green and wax beans, onions, peppers, corn and avocado are tossed with a zesty viniagrette. This was a popular dish and I wish I would have made it much earlier in the summer. I'm sad to say that corn season( and summer) is almost over. Chelsea is with us for the week so I'll be doing a lot more cooking this week. After eating out all weekend, I miss homecooking.


Blogger wheresmymind said...

So this was cold?

5:27 AM, August 29, 2006

Blogger Randi said...

ryn: Yep, cold and tasty.

5:59 AM, August 29, 2006


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