Happy Huanakkah...........

Potato latkas

In the Jewish Religion, latkas are usually served on the first night of huanakkah. Since I am jewish, and this year the first night of haunakkah fell on xmas day I had to put off my latka making until two days ago. These came out great. Crispy and delicious.
I grated 4 small russetts, squeezed out the starch. I also grated an onion, added a beaten egg and some matzameal. Fry until crisp and serve with sourcream and applesauce.
Happy Haunakkah :) Those latkas look and sound great...I have never had them but I love Swiss rosti potatoes and it sounds similar :)
4:03 AM, December 29, 2005
Happy Chanukah from me too. Those look DEELISH! (and your Christmas Eve spread made me SO hungry! I love party food!)
My aunt is from Exeter. Do you like it there?
5:57 AM, December 29, 2005
Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog! My aunt is from there, but actually lives in Burlington. I thnk she IS actually there now, visiting her large family for Christmas, though! It's a pretty nice town.
Your tomato soup looks goooood!
10:19 PM, December 29, 2005
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