Sunday, August 12, 2007

Honey Oat Sandwich Bread(KA Flour whole grain).....

We're out of bread!! Oh, I have lots of it in the freezer. A boule of Honey-Oat from Tom that I'm saving, some sourdough and rye from WholeFoods and of course some bagels from Florida and Cleveland. I've been eating my lunch( always a sandwich) on toast which is fine for me, but not for Robin, since she takes her lunch to work. I saw this loaf on Joe's blog and decided to make it. Its a bit of a misnomer though because it wasnt all whole-grain( there's AP flour in there as well as Oats). It was a good loaf, perfect for a turkey sandwich but it wasnt my favorite. Hmmmm, maybe I should defrost Tom's bread???


  1. Long time lurker, first time commenting. Hello.

    Is that a Lock and Lock container under the bread? Sorry. I know I'm supposed to be looking at the actual food. I did and it looks yummy, but Lock and Lock is my newest addiction. Good to know that if I ever move to Canada (I'm in Delaware) I could still feed the addiction.

  2. Hi Heather,

    Yes, it is a lock and lock and while they do sell them in Canada, I bought that set( 3 different square containers for 5.99) at Target in MI. I love lock and lock too. Check out They have some great sets.
