Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Apple-Maple glazed chicken breasts(CI)....

I don't really know what to say about this recipe. Usually, I love all things from Cook's Illustrated but I'm sort of on the fence about this one. The chicken was tender and perfectly cooked. I think the sauce is what bugged me. It was somewhat sweet and I dont really like sweet sauces. Another thing I dont like is that corn syrup is one of the ingredients in the sauce. Its supposed to help the glaze to cling better. I just dont feel good about injesting corn syrup. The recipe comes from the latest issue of Cook's Illustrated. The main recipe was for an orange/honey glaze and this version was one of the options. I did add some fresh chopped sage as well even though the recipe didnt call for that. I felt it needed some "green".

I also made another loaf of bread from the KA whole grain baking book. I didnt take a picture because it basically looks the same as the other loaf. I just placed an order for the new Peter Reinhart whole grain baking book. I should have it in 2 weeks. I can't wait to bake from that book.

In other news, I got a big catering job for Sept 22nd. Its appetizers and sweets for a wedding for 250ppl. Sounds good right? We're also invited guests to the wedding so I need to work out the logisitics. The good thing is that I asked my friend Tom from Ohio if he wanted to help me( because I was going to hire someone) and he said YES. He's going to bake all the breads for the canapes which will be a huge help. Since the mother of the bride is a friend of the family, I told her I was just going to double my food costs but Robin and I were discussing whether or not to give my labor to the Bride as her wedding gift. I still need to pay Tom though for gas and ingredients since he so generously said I didnt have to pay him an hourly rate. Did I mention we're having a huge 24 x24 room added to our house and we're having the kitchen totally redone? The addition will be in full-swing when Tom is here, but I'll have to hold off on any kitchen work until after the wedding. I'm sure that wont be a problem as the cabinets are coming from Quebec.

Oh and we're also going to San Fran on Sept 11th( yeah, it was cheaper to fly that day)- 18th so at least I can pick up ingredients in MI before we drive back to Ontario.


  1. These look great!

    Are you flying from Detroit? We try and fly from Buffalo when we head to CA - far cheaper than flying from Canada!

  2. I made these only I used the pineapple recipe that CI has. I wouldn't make them again; we weren't very impressed and we love sweet sauces. Your's look much prettier than mine did though :)

  3. I feel the same way you do about corn syrup. I usually try substituting honey or simple syrup instead, although this sometimes has disasterous results. Some brandy snaps I tried to make a couple years ago are a good example of this.

    Too bad the recipe didn't work out, though. They sound like the perfect autumn meal, and your picture makes them look delicious. I doubt my girlfriend would have gone for it anyway because she has an aversion to meat/fruit pairings that I can't for the life of me comprehend.

    (BTW I found you via a comment you left on Gluten Free Girl a week or two ago.)

  4. Caroline,

    Thanks for stopping by. If you read back thru my archives, you'll notice that Robin too doesnt like fruit with just about anything. She especially doesnt like cooked fruit. She's come around a bit with pie, but she's still not a fan of fruit with chicken( we dont eat red meat).

  5. Randi, I saw the picture, then read your review. Too bad they weren't very good because the picture makes them look delicious.

  6. Anna,

    Its not that they werent good, I just didnt like the sweetness of the sauce. The chicken was perfectly cooked though and if there wasnt corn syrup in the sauce, I might like it better.

  7. Randi, I'm glad to hear you can change a girl's tastebuds. I made a lovely peach pie last weekend but my girlfriend won't touch it-- she doesn't like sweets, except for plain chocolate chip cookies and dry cakey brownies. She's also been brainwashed by the Low Carb Monster and gets mad at me when I make bread, rice, or pasta. It's incredibly frustrating because I eat (and love!) just about everything. However, I have gotten her to occasionally eat raw tomatoes, which makes me very happy because I'm Italian and from NJ and was practically raised on them.
