Friday, March 23, 2007

We're back......

Rather than write a few posts with pictures, I'll just lump everything into this one post. First, I didnt take too many pics when we ate out. When we go to Florida, we tend to eat at reasonably priced restaurants. Our most expensive meal was just 60.00 bucks and I totally forgot to bring my camera. I'm just going to write about the most memorable meals.

I'd read about Anthony's Coal Fired pizza on I was really looking forward to trying this place. The menu is really small, just ome page with no pastas on the menu. The two main things most ppl seemed to order were the coal fired wings and pizza. The wings are served with grilled onions and foccacia. I don't like wings so I never eat them, but Robin is a huge fan. Robin really liked them as she prefers her wings unbattered. We also got a mushroom/sausage pizza which I found good, but slightly greasy. I think the reason ppl who live in Ft. Lauderdale are such fans of this coal fired pizza is because most of the pizza places there are NY style. I've had brick oven pizza before many times and this is basically what Anthony's serves. It was good, but nothing spectacular. We also ordered a salad that was your basic romaine, onion, garbanzo bean salad with a red wine vinegar dressing.

On our second to last night there, we went to Jaxson's ice cream parlor in Dania. Jaxsons has been around for 50 years and is well known for its homeade ice cream, huge portions and long lines. Luckily we had no wait as we decided to go on a Monday night. Robin has been to Florida with me 4 other times and we never ate at Jaxson's. We shared a sundae called Half and Half. Two ice creams( we picked vanilla and peanut butter( of course), butterscotch fudge, hot fudge, whipped cream and cherries along with sidecars of sauce and pecans. They do charge a 1 dollar sharing charge but you get an extra topping for that price. We couldnt even finish the sundae, it was so big( and we had a light dinner too( totally unremarkable at Pollo Tropical). We'll definitely go back again on our next visit. I'd love to take my niece as she has a major sweet tooth as I found out on this trip.

Our last meal was lunch at Cheeseburger, Cheeseburger. I read about this place on Jason Perlow's blog. We went to say goodbye to my Grandparents and I was happy to see there was a location near their house. I only took a pic of the frings( rings and fries) because our chicken sandwiches were nothing spectacular. The onion rings were all globbed together so they didnt impress me. I also ordered a choc. banana malt and Robin had a peanut butter shake( natch). They use Edy's/Dryers ice cream plus different syrups and mix-ins. When I ordered the malt, the waitress asked me if I knew what a malt was and I said Yes( see archives, Jan 22, 06). Later, I asked her why she asked me if I knew what a malt was and she said " women your age often order malts and then send them back because they dont like the taste". I said " how old do you think I am" and she said "26". I'm not sure if she was hoping to get a good tip, but it sure made my day( I'm 40 btw). She also offered to order me a giant can of carnation malt powder. I thought that was sweet, so yes, she got a nice tip.

Last but not least, here is a picture of my sweet niece Emily. We went down for her 2nd birthday. She was invited to a bday party on Saturday at a kids gym type place and my sister and I took her. She certainly takes after her aunt because she loves her cake. She gets positively giddy when she knows she's going to get some. Anyway, I can actually say I'm very sick of eating out and I'm looking forward to doing some of my own cooking.


  1. Thank goodness you're home! Start blogging AT ONCE! You owe us at least five or six posts by my estimation. ;-)

    Missed you! --Gina

  2. Hi Randi! You stopped by my blog and asked about the seltzer maker? :)

    I got it at - they are international and I am pretty darn sure they are in Canada.

    I hope to see you round the net soon!


  3. Laughing my arse off about the waitress's comment about your age. I love her! That's classic. And your niece is adorbable; that's a fantastic photo of her in her happy element.

  4. I didn't go to Jaxon's this trip, but my grandparents used to take me there all the time when I was a kid.
    Too bad we didn't get to have brunch!
