Saturday, January 01, 2011

A New Year, a New Foodblog!!

Wow,its hard to believe that I havent blogged in over a year and a half. My last blog post was tragic and everytime I came back to my blog( to read other blogs), I was sad. However, I had a rough year( 2010) with a lot of changes and I couldnt bring myself to blog. I am no longer living in small town Ontario, Canada and I'm no longer with Robin. Robin is a wonderful person and I wish her all the happiness in the world. Our breakup wasnt exactly friendly. I didnt want to work on the marriage( we're still legally married in Canada, although we are now legally separated) anymore. Robin did. I was taking my dogs( that moved to Canada with me and lived there longer than they lived in California) and moving back to SoCal. I was leaving our beautiful house(that we renovated together) and the life we made. I'm going to be completely honest here. I met someone else. Actually, I remet someone that I was with in 1993 and in 2000( the timing was never right for us and I always put my feelings for her on the backburner). Isnt Facebook wonderful? LOL. The last thing I want to say on this is that Robin's story is " Randi left me for another woman" and she can have her story. Obviously, its not that simple. Robin and I had problems for years prior to me finding Julie again. There are 3 sides to every story. Yours, Hers and the truth. Maybe one day when Robin is over the hurt and anger, she can see the truth. I know this is a public blog and she might read it. Frankly, that is another reason I resisted blogging. However, I've since found out( thru very devious means) that Robin is in a new relationship and has been for awhile. In fact, Robin and her married( to another woman) girlfriend were together 3 weeks after I left Canada. If that is what is going to make Robin happy, than so be it.

So, there is my backstory. Here is my present and future. I'm back in Socal living with my girlfriend Julie. As I said, I met Julie in 1993 when I was 26. We were together for a summer but for many reasons that I dont want to get into, we didnt end up together. I wanted to be with her, but I couldnt. Flash forward to 2000 and we meet up again. Same story, just 7 years later. When I found her again on Facebook in the summer of 2009, I never expected anything to happen. I just wanted to find out how she was doing. She is a police officer and I've always thought about her and worried about her if I heard a news story about the LAPD. We didnt speak until October 2009 and then she went to Iraq for 5 months and here we are 1.5 later. I moved back to California in July 2010. I'm incredibly happy and I LOVE being back in California. Unfortunatly, I've eaten out way too much since moving back and I gained back 20lbs( of the 40) I lost in 2009. I decided I needed to take control back in the New Year and cook more at home and only eat out as a treat. Yesterday, we joined Weight Watchers and I'm excited about the new program ( all fruits are zero points!!). We spent the day in WLA/Santa Monica too. We had pizza for lunch and I bought some wonderful seafood for dinner. Unlike myself and Robin, Julie does eat beef so as much as I hate buying red meat, I do. I made myself 4 large shrimp as a shrimp cocktail and I grilled some swordfish chunks that I turned into fish tacos. Julie had steak and a sourdough roll( she loves bread) and salad. Since Julie had to work on New Years Day, we just had a quiet night at home with our four dogs( Julie had 2 before I moved in) and a movie.

Today is the Gym and turkey tacos for dinner.


  1. Hi Randi,

    Welcome back to blogging! Sounds like the past year has been really tough. :(

    Hope to see you blogging a bit more and hope that everything keeps getting better for you!

    xox Sarah

  2. It's good to see you back! Have fun blogging again :)

  3. Good to see you back blogging again - here's to 2011

  4. Welcome Back! I hope you have a great 2011.

  5. Welcome back! Every month or so I'd come back to see if you posted anything! :D

    Sounds like you are in a better place this year and having a partner join you in WW is a plus!

    Love the zero fruit too - I never would have eaten a banana before because usually they were 3 points - but did anyone ever get fat eating fruit?!

  6. welcome back! i'm so glad i check in (as i often have) to see if you had posted again. hope to read lots of new posts by you, i have always enjoyed stopping by to see what you are cooking.

  7. Welcome back! What a nice surprise to see that you have started blogging again. I would check once in a while to see if you were back on but nothing....Glad that you have found your way back and hope things keep going well for you!!!!

  8. Hello!

    You know don't me but about 2 years ago I googled "turkey chili receipe" and your blog came up (and i have been making it ever since). I have been coming back adn forth to you blog to see if you have returned and so glad to see you are! I live way across the country in PA. Sorry if this seems random/weird, but I thought I would share how wonderful I think your blog is!.

    thanks! and welcome back :0)


  9. Lovely blog and photos! Makes me feel very hungry!

  10. Just discovered your blog from eGullet. Glad to hear you're ok. --Soba

  11. Good info! Thanks for sharing with us on your blog.

  12. This dish is looking so tasty and spicy...
    i like spicy one

  13. Randi, I would not let one person being "freaked out" about your insulin taking at the table to not go out on another event - don't worry about it!


  14. Hi! My name is Ryan and I’m the editor of I think you have an awesome food site so I posted a link to it in our blog directory. I wasn't able to find your email address on your site but I’d like to invite you to be a part of our Featured Website program. I would love to send you more details about the program, so if you are interested, please email me at ryan [at] howtocookfantasticfood [dot] com.


  16. I'm sorry things didn't work out with Robin. It's sad when a relationship ends, but you have to do what's right for you and what feels right in your heart. It sounds like Robin has moved on, and once one is outside of the relationship, one sees things in a whole new light. (been there, done that!) You sound like you're very happy and I wish you and Julie all the best.
    I should be hitting up Weight Watchers again. I had much success (40 pounds as well), but I got lazy and a lot of it crept back on. My husband calls it "happy fat", meaning you're content and enjoying life. Good luck to you. It's a really, really hard thing to do.
    Keep cooking and keep blogging!

  17. Sometimes following your heart is so scary it makes you wonder if you've lost your mind, and then one day, you realize it was the best thing you ever did.

    Congrats on being so brave, Randi!

    Annie XO

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