Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pumpkin roulade( roll).....

Libby's pumpkin roulade aka roll is a great alternative to traditional pumpkin pie. It has all the great fall flavors as this actual cake part is fat free( except for eggs which do add fat). This roll has no additional oil or butter in the cake. Its not that hard to roll this, in fact when you roll the cake up in a dishtowel( sprinkle with powdered sugar) it has a memory and will reroll with the filling super easily.

The filling is nothing more than cream cheese, powdered sugar, a bit of butter and vanilla. I have made this before with mascarpone cheese as well.

The only change I made from the original recipe, was to use pumpkin pie spice instead of the cinnamon/cloves and omit the nuts.


  1. Ooh! That's so pretty! And so...autumnal!

    But how dare you leave out the NUTS? That's the best part!

    I may have to try this myself.


  2. This looks delicious! May have to make this for Thanksgiving!

  3. Have always wanted to make this but have been intimidated with the rolling part of it. I'm afraid it will crack and break....maybe I finally give it a shot!

  4. Mmmm I made one like this last year, but mine fell apart. :(

    Yours looks yummy!

  5. This looks great, I'm always looking for more pumpkin desserts!

  6. I've always wanted to make a pumpkin roll. Maybe I'll do it this year.

  7. I'm always impressed by how much moisure pumpkin lends to baked goods.
