Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Why I shouldnt clean........

Sunday morning was sort of overcast. Robin wanted to mow the lawn before the rain came, so I said I'd go out to the garage and attempt to organize it a bit. Well, I pulled out a few boxes and found my stash of really old( like 1991) Chocolatier Magazines. Before moving here, I got rid of years of Bon Appetite and Gourmet, but I could not bear to part with the Chocolatier. I was in college/university for what seemed like eons so I rarely cooked back then. But, I kept those Chocolatier magazines because I knew one day I'd have the time to make everything I wanted to( and because each magazine was around 4 bucks( expensive back then). Well, flash forward to today and I totally forgot they were in the garage.

I threw a couple into my beach bag and enjoyed what is probably the next to last nice beach weekend. Since we ate a bigger breakfast, we skipped lunch so of course my stomach was growling and everything looked great. I saw this " Marbeled Peanut Butter and Chocolate Cake" recipe fairly early on into my reading. Robin said " Make that", because we all know what a peanut butter fan she is.

It wasnt a hard cake to make( standard creaming of butter/ peanutbutter sugar), but I had trouble with the ganache. Its so funny to read these older magazines because so many of the recipes calls for chocolate chips or Lindt chocolate. There just wasnt the abundance of good quality chocolate we have now. Anyway, I did use some random bits of chocolate for the ganache, including some choc. chips and some bar chocolate. It never smoothed out as you can see from the picture.

I thought the cake was a touch too heavy and Robin thought it wasnt " peanutbuttery enough". I responded to that by saying "it has a full cup of pb". Unless she eats pb by itself, she wont think its peanutbutter enough. My MIL had a piece today and she thought it was really good and rich. I dont think I'd make it again though. There are just too many other recipes to try.


  1. Thank you for stopping by my blog Randi. I am adding you to my Reader. I used to go to Chili's all the time but our local establishment stopped doing the bean burger at least 3 years ago. Then Red Robin moved in next door and I loved the two veggie burgers they had. In july I was informed they were no longer going to have them. So all it leaves me with is a small salad and onion rings (which I am not sure is vegetarian if they fry the fish in it). Uno's pizza has said they may not have them anymore either. I feel abandoned by the local restaurants. There is still two Lebanese places and I can get a great salad (minus cheese and bacon) at the Famous Dave's rib place (hubby likes them) along with a plain baked potato for about 6 dollars (and corn bread is free). I need to move to Ann Arbor instead of this non-progressive town I live in now. At least college towns are open minded and welcoming of alternatives. I am so hungry for something decent to eat that someone else cooks for me. I Hate eating at 10 PM when hub gets home or gets off conference calls.

    Hey, you aren't too far from the Michigan border-any good rubber stamp or scrapbooking stores in your area? Gotta feed all the passions!

  2. Back before the peanut allergy entered our lives, I never found a peanut butter flavored cake recipe that worked. They weren't bad but none were great. There's something about the texture of cake that doesn't bring out the best in peanut butter.
