Saturday, August 02, 2008

Very Veggie Lasagna.......

I apologize for the picture, it doesnt make this dish look very good. In fact, when I served it to Robin she said " That doesnt look very appealing". Hah, such a food critic. Anyway, I saw Paula Dean make this dish on Foodtv and I knew I wanted to make it. I'm not going to post the recipe, because I didnt follow it. First, Paula calls for boiling the veggies in water. I didnt do that because it sucks all the flavor out of them. I sauted them in evoo and added some fancy garlic seasoning mix I got on clearance at Marshall's. I didnt use the can of crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce called for in the original recipe. I used 1 jar of Dave's Heirloom Tomato sauce I bought on clearance at TJ Maxx( do you see a theme here?).

For the amount of veggies I used, I probably could have used another jar of sauce. Anyway, I used yellow squash, mushrooms, zucchini and carrots. I left out the red peppers that Paula calls for because I dont really like them cooked( either does Robin).

I did follow Paula's choice of using cottage cheese. I've a ricotta girl myself. My Mom is from NY and has always used ricotta so thats what I'm used to. However, Robin told me her mom always used cottage cheese. There is only one lasagna recipe I use cottage cheese( pureed) and that CI's Spinach Lasagna. Anyway, I digress. So, you mix the cottage cheese with half a bar of cream cheese( I used the light kind).

I also used Sargento's new blend of artisan cheeses. Paula calls for Mozzarella and provolone and wow, Sargento just happens to make this blend so thats what I used.

I also used the Barilla no-boil noodles. They're quite thin and I only needed 6 of them.

Verdict: It was a good light lasagana. I much prefer ricotta though. It did taste much better on day 2. Oh and Robin said she was wrong( I'm usually right so this was no surprise).

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