Saturday, July 05, 2008

Date squares and seafood chowder......

We're leaving for Halifax on Wednesday so I'm trying to use up what we have in the fridge and freezer. I've also decided to try my hand at selling some baked goods at a local flea market. Last week Robin and I set up a table( Robin is selling collectibles), but we were rained out. I did manage to sell about 30 bucks worth before the rain came. There was another lady selling next to me and she had quite the following. She's selling pies and butter tarts( oh so Canadian) and jams. I did make some awesome jam a couple weeks ago( strawberry w/out pectin and a mixed berry vanilla). I bought some pretty quilted mason jars at Wal*Mart in Michigan and I honestly dont want to sell a jar for 4.00. I'd rather give them away as gifts. I might bring a few with me and see if they'd actually sell.

Anyway, last week I made a bacardi rum cake, a couple of sour cream coffee cakes( my mom's amazing recipe) and some various cookies and squares. I individually wrapped each one, but Robin thought that wasnt the best way to go. So, I'm trying a different approach this week. My friend the butcher gave me a bunch of those white meat trays and I put 6 squares( aka bar cookies South of the Canadian border) on each one. So far I've made shortbread, these date squares and I currently have the Magic Brownies and Pecan Pie squares( recipe from Anna) cooling. The pecan pie squares are amazing. I'm going to have to photgraph those alone and give them their own entry. They're so good!!

In cleaning out the freezer a few days ago, I noticed a bunch of single serving portions of seafood that I bought at Wal*Mart( do you see a theme here?) in MI. As I said before, I'm a sucker for a bargain. For 1.50(50 cents each), I got 2 stuffed tilapia fillets and a bag of bay scallops. I also found about 10 shrimp languishing in there as well. So, I sauteed a shallot and some celery in some evoo. I added some old bay seasoning, a can of evap milk( 59 cents at Big Lots), some skim milk and 1/4c of whipping cream. I shredded a russet potato for its thickening power. I added some frozen corn, the seafood and some fresh dill. Robin proclaimed it amazing. I'm glad I decided to make it on the one coolish day we had last week. Robin isnt really a soup person and I really only like soup in the winter or if I'm sick. I also threw together some quesadilla's using some frozen flour tortilla's. It was a true budget meal!!

I made the date squares by cooking a 500g package of dates with 1/2 c. of OJ. I pureed that in the cuisinart. I made the crust with butter, flour, baking soda and powder, brown sugar and oats. I pulsed in some butter and then layered the whole thing. They're pretty thick. Next time, I'll use a 9 x 13 pan instead of a 9" square. Now, wish me luck that everything sells or my freezer will be totally full again!!

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