Thursday, April 03, 2008

Meyer Lemon Cream Cheese Pound Cake.....

When I was in Florida last month, I met up with Egulleter Kathryn. We had a great time going out for lunch( Cuban Food), shopping at a restaurant supply and a Super Target and going out to a favorite restaurant for dinner. When we met up, Kathryn gave me 5 of the biggest Meyer Lemons I'd ever seen. These things were huge. They were the size of grapefruits. I gave one to my sister and my BIL made a pasta dish with it. I schlepped the other 4 back to Canada. The day after I arrived back in Canada, I had a dr. appt and I pulled it out to show the nurse. She actually walked around the office showing everyone because she'd never seen a lemon that big either. I found this recipe in Great Coffee Cakes, Sticky Buns, Muffins and More ,a book I checked out of the library. The flavor and texture were divine and while a bit fussy to make( anything to requires separating eggs is fussy to me), it was well worth it. I was excited too, to use my new loaf pan I picked up at Williams- Sonoma. I've always been a big believer in the saying " You get what you pay for". This is my second pan in the goldtouch series( I also have the 9 x 13) and I'm a big fan!!


  1. Hi Randi,

    The texture of that cake looks fantastic.

    I love Meyer lemons! We used to have a very prolific tree in the garden, but we chopped it down when we expanded our kitchen. :( I think I should find a new spot in the garden to grow a tree. They can be quite expensive at the shops, and I miss the convenience of having my own lemon tree.

    xox Sarah

  2. That does look good but it's off limits for now.

    I meant to tell you that I can get Agave nectar locally. It's not cheap but I have two or three local sources about $5 for a small bottle. I just wasn't sure what to do with it since I mostly bake with sugar and I wasn't sure it could be swapped out but now I'm thinking I can use in in savory recipes that call for a touch of sugar or honey. I think I will pick up a bottle.

  3. OMG Randi, that looks so good! I am a sucker for pound cake.

  4. Hi Randi, I just saw your comment at cookie madness about the Hemp Oil. I thought it was quite funny that we both shop in London, ON.

    So I dropped in and behold a lemon cake! Love the lemon cake... I will let you know how it turns out.

    And then I will probably try it again as an orange cake (second favourite flavour).

  5. This is a very iteresting blog, no doubt, with two very nice young ladies saying that they shop in LONDON, ONTARIO, so do I, as I live in the city.
    I liked the lemon cake recipe, will try to make it soon.

    Keep on the good work!!!!

  6. Hi Randi
    I live in Hensall just north of you and wanted to let you know of a great bakery that just opened in Exeter called the Krusty Baker. Only scratch products made in a true 100+ year old hearth brick oven. The blueberry raspberry bread or the Garlic cheddar bread is too die for but I am a bit biased. Feel free to come introduce yourself I love meeting egullet fans. hope to see you Krusty
