Friday, January 18, 2008

Weight Watcher brownie muffins......

I really debated about whether or not I should blog about these,because they're not gourmet or even blog worthy. I thought about it for a day and then said " why the heck not". I really wanted to blog about these, because I want this to come up on google if anyone is searching for a Weight Watcher Recipe for something sweet and simple.

As I mentioned last week, Robin and I started Weight Watchers( although I'm not being anal about every single point). I blogged last week over on Egullet with 2 other foodbloggers who were also watching their weight. One of them, has lost an impressive 200lbs already!! Anyway, I cooked a ton last week, along with packing Robin a snack container and lunch each day. All last week though, I craved something sweet with low points. I was browsing the cooking forum over on Garden Web and came across these. I think they're absolutely genius and I can't believe something can be so tasty with 2 ingredients and only 2 points( 3 if you use chocolate chips).

Now, don't hate on me because of the cake mix. I do have an organic mix in my pantry, but I was worried they wouldnt come out the same. One day I'll try them with that mix. For now, take my word that if you're dieting and in need of chocolate or your're a child, you'll probably love these. I think my neice Emily will love them and I've already instructed my sister to make them this weekend.

WW Brownie Muffins

1 box chocolate cake mix( can be devils food or dark chocolate)
1 15 ounce can of pumpkin( not pie filling).
6 ounces of choc. chips.


No eggs, no oil, nothing else.

Mix the two really well( Mixture will be very thick) and scoop into sprayed muffin tins. Bake at 350 for around 13-15 min.

I topped mine with a few chips rather than adding them in.

I gave Robin one last night with about 3 tbls of organic vanilla ice cream and 1tbls of hot fudge( I made that!!) and she just about died. She couldnt believe they were 2 points each and only 2 ingredients. And no, you dont taste the pumpkin!!


  1. That's good to know. I've heard of the cake mix/diet pop combo, but not with pumpkin.

  2. Yum! I think I've heard of this before when I was in WW... but wow.. I'm going to try this. I'll bet they freeze well too.

  3. Wow! They look good - who knew pumpkin was so versatile! Having said that, I have a gluten-free chocolate cake recipe where most of the fat/bulk comes from whizzed up chickpeas. Great blog, by the way :)

  4. Hey Randi,

    Those muffins look really nice! Once I get back home from my trip I have to start eating healthily too, so will keep these in mind. You seriously can't taste the pumpkin?? Fab!

    xox Sarah

  5. I made these and they kick @$$!!!

  6. I made these too and we LOVED them! Thanks so much!

    From a former OD reader:)

  7. I saw this same recipe on a W.W. site and it said they were 0 points,which was hard to believe.

    So, they are 2 points for sure?


  8. Community Recipe Swap: Snacks
    Brownie Muffins

    From the kitchen of CMDORKIN

    Servings | 12
    Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 0
    Course | Snacks

    Print Email


    Devil Foods Cake cake mix
    15 oz of pure pumpkin


    Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Mix pumpkin and cake mix together. It will be thick but do not add anything to it!! Put batter into lined muffin tins and cook for 20 minutes.

    Special Notes

    Easy and Zero points! Great for school bake sales.

  9. Anything I've ever read says 2 points. I use choc. chips as well. Cake mix does have calories so they arent zero points. If people want to fool themselves into thinking that, than so be it.

  10. I read on another website that someone used Spice Cake mix instead and that was really good too. Haven't tried it, but it's an option.

  11. Hi there. Great blog Randi. I found this thread searching for a healthy brownie option for my three year old sons birthday party. I will make these for sure! Also I did make the spice cake pumpkin WW muffins last week for my toddler boys. They loved them. I did make a change from the original recipe. The original calls for spice cake Mix, pumpkin, and water. I added 1/2 cup ground flax seeds and one cup applesauce to the recipe. They were amazing! All ages loved them. They make 36 small cupcakes. This works with toddlers who are more interested in quantity. So I let them each have three. The original recipe said they were 2 Pts if you made 18 so with the added flax and applesauce they were a little less than 2 Pts each I assumed. We put a dollop of cream cheese frosting and a candy corn on them. So cute and yummy!
