Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Christmas baking.....

Robin put together a little baking brochure for me and surprise, surprise I got some orders!! I took the train up to Burlington last Friday and spent the afternoon with The Chocolate Doctor making English Toffee. Actually, she made the majority of it, I watched. She also showed me how to temper chocolate. I was happy to use up some E. Guittard coverture that I bought from Williams Somona a year ago!! I used some for a Sugar High Friday event, but I didnt like it. It worked great with the toffee.

Yesterday I spent the entire day baking because one of my customers needed to pick up her order. Thanks to Anna for some inspiration. Anna told me about the jumbles which were really great. Anna made hers with pecans, but I used some toasted almonds. I also used dried bing cherries( from Trader Joe's) and dark choc. chips. I made some candy cane shortbread and to my total surprise, I actually had rice flour in the pantry( don't know why I bought that). I didnt have pepperminte extract and had to send Robin up to the store in the middle of a blizzard to fetch me some. Ina Garten's fruitcake cookies are amazing. I'm not a fruit cake fan, but these rocked!! I used a dried fruit breakfast blend that I bought at Walgreens and candied peel and cherries. I made some oatmeal cookies that were on the back of the reeses pieces for baking bag. You can find the recipe for the molasses crinkles and dried cherry/pistachio wedding cookies on epicurious!!


  1. I'm not ready for Christmas baking! I don't even have containers for the cookies I give away yet. I usually pick those up early.

    I've always wanted to make fruit cake cookies but I make my mom's fruitcake already so it seems redundant but someday I will try the cookies.

  2. Your cookies look great! I will be making some spiced nut toffee this weekend.
