Friday, September 07, 2007

Chicken Tika Masala( CI).....

Here we have another winner from Cook's Illustrated. This was in the latest issue. Like most CI recipes, there were a few steps, but none too difficult. The only problem I had with this, was that my sauce started to separate. I think its my fault though because I didnt have crushed tomatoes( I used whole Italian tomatoes that I pureed myself). I also had no tomato paste and I didnt want to buy a can( they dont sell the tubes in my town). I'm really try to use what I have in preparation for the kitchen renovation. As it is, I had to buy a pint of heavy cream and a container of whole milk yogurt. The recipe also calls for 1/4 of chopped cilantro, but I didnt want to buy that either as we're leaving on Tuesday for San Fran. I also threw some frozen peas in with the brown basmati rice because I'm trying to clean out the freezer too.

In other news, I've decided on the granite( Labrador Antique), the kitchen pain( Benjamin Moore, Soft Chinchilla) and the flooring. I think we're going to buy the appliances tomorrow.

I also ordered the faucet on ebay( Delta Leland in Stainless Steel) and I found a pendant light for above the sink that I'm going to order.

Today our sunroom was torn down and they're digging the foundation for our new bedroom. Very exciting!!


  1. I'm just learning about Indian cooking, but one thing I have been told is that when the "oil" separates from the tomato, then the dish is ready to serve.

    Don't know if that's the kind of "splitting" you experienced!

  2. Mmm, I'll have to make this. I've been meaning to use up some summer cucumbers in a raita, but I was stuck on what kind of Indian dish to make with it. This would be perfect!

  3. I've been eyeing this recipe! I think I'll try to fit it into the menu plan for next week. Looks yummy!
