Saturday, July 28, 2007

2 kinds of cookies......

On Thursday, I had a lunch catering job for 14 people. I don't know what I was thinking, but I decided to try two new recipes for cookies. The first is for Applesauce Currant cookies and the second was for a Choc. Chip cookie using a package of vanilla pudding mix. Our library had a book sale and I picked up a book called Big, Soft, Chewy Cookies for .25cents. How can you beat that price? The version I linked to is an updated version. My book is pretty old. Anyway, when I started making them, I noticed there were no eggs in the recipe and then I panicked because I wondered if that was a typo. I looked at a few more recipes in the book and decided it wasnt. The cookies were soft and very cake like. Robin said she liked them because they were different.

I found the next recipe from our very own fellow foodblogger Anna. However, I didnt find the recipe on her site( maybe its there though?), I found it over on Egullet in a thread about Choc. chip cookies. While I was making them, the doorbell rang. I went to get it and when I came back to the cookies, I accidentally put the pudding mix in the dry ingredients instead of the butter/sugar. They still came out great though. I did notice that when I didnt pat down the dough, they didnt spread out as much. I ended up with some flat cookies and some stocky cookies. I sent the flat ones to the job.

I really liked this cookie and will add it to my collection.

In other news. Did I mention we are renovating our kitchen and adding another room on to our house? Our kitchen designer came over yesterday for the last time. We made some revisions to the kitchen plans and we actually bought the plans (the price of the design fee is deducted from the total) so we can take them to the bank for financing. We need to get the cabinets ordered next week so installation can start by Oct 1st. My one nagging question is Quartz or Granite????


  1. We got granite when we did ours and have been pleased.

  2. Randi - Oh, I know, darling, such a traumatizing decision, but it seems granite really stands the test of time and can withstand hot pots and pans. It is also easy to take care of. As for the cookies - how grand. The applesauce cookies sound really interesting. Did those for whom you did the catering enjoy them?

  3. Congrats on the renovation to come and adding a room! YAY! i have granite countertops in my kitchen and bathroom and love 'em... just my opine there.

    I WANT YOUR COOKIES! Especially if they had no eggs! :)
