Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Cooking for 50 seniors.....

You can read all about my second job over here at Egullet. There are lots of pictures too.

Today I made beef stew for tomorrow while working at my first job. I'm so freaking exhausted.


  1. Did you make Tappioca pudding as well?

  2. You did amazing Randi, both earlier in the month and with this meal!

  3. That sounds like a lot of fun AND a lot of stress. I have enough trouble planning meals for small groups - it's hard to get past that you can't please everyone. I think you're doing a great job so far. The stew was perfect for a snowy day.

    The most perplexing constraint you have is the pasta. I can't figure that one out.

    How about something like a baked potato with a topping of some sort (a mild chili maybe)? Pot Roast, swiss steak, salisbury steak, meatloaf -things like that which sound plain but you still still find ways to jazz up the meal overall. I know it's probably hard for you to get excited about anything with red meat.

  4. Randi, you are amazing being able to all this! It's a shame that you have so many dietary restrictions though, it makes things a lot tougher on you!
    How is it all working out for you?

  5. Great work Randi, being in rural Ontario as well I've met up with some stubborn diets as well as those who love anything I can dish out. Some in big cities can be just as stubborn, all meat and potatoes :(
