Saturday, October 21, 2006

Apple raspberry crisp.....

We served this crisp after the fantastic fish meal. I'm known as the crisp queen when I go to Florida, because I always make some sort of crisp for Mike and his family. I never measure my ingredients, and I always use the same topping. Flour( either AP or WW), oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts( this time we used slivered almonds), and butter. I throw it in the bowl and mike works the butter in. We used about 5 peeled and cubed apples along with a bag of frozen raspberries, I threw in a small amount of granulated sugar. I prefer my crisps not that sweet because we usually serve some vanilla ice cream on the side( in this case, we used hagen daz).


  1. Apple and raspberry crip sounds like a great combo

  2. That looks really good. Fall is a wonderful time for crisps!
